

Host and Local Organizer:

Hydrobiological Institute Ohrid, HBI (St. Kliment Ohridski University Bitola, Macedonia)



Department of Animal Ecology & Systematics (Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany)


Conference venue:

Hotel Millenium Palace, Ohrid (on the shore of Lake Ohrid near the old centre of the city)


Scientific Committee (organizers are marked in bold):

Andrew S. Cohen (U.S.A.) George Coulter (New Zealand)
Matthias Glaubrecht (Germany) Doug Haffner (Canada)
Hiroya Kawanabe (Japan) Goce Kostoski (Macedonia)
Zdravko Krstanovski (Macedonia) Koen Martens (Belgium)
Frank Riedel (Germany) Isa Schön (Belgium)
Christian Sturmbauer (Austria) Oleg Timoshkin (Russia)
Sasho Trajanovski (Macedonia)
Risto Väinölä (Finland)
Thomas Wilke (Germany)  
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Main building of the HBI, Ohrid 
(click to enlarge)
Monastery Sv. Naum near the southern feeder springs of Lake Ohrid


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The eastern rocky shore of
Lake Ohrid features submersed springs and a high degree of endemic biodiversity


Secretary of SIAL 5:

Christian Albrecht ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )