Lake Tanganyika

Lake Tanganyika is the second oldest and second deepest lake in the world after Lake Baikal. It is situated in the western branch of the African Rift and is famous for its endemic radiations. Besides cichlid fish species, the marine-like (thalassoid) gastropod fauna is intensely studied by researchers.
Age (my) 14-20
Biogeographical area south-east Africa
Surface area (km2) 32,820
Altitude (m asl) 773
Maximum depth (m) 1,470
Mean depth (m) 580
Catchment area (km2) 282,300
Number of species* 1119
Number of endemic species* 632
Key endemic taxa herrings, cichlids, catfish, crabs, Gastropoda, Ostracoda

Suggested readings:

  • Coulter, G.W. (Ed.) 1991: Lake Tanganyika and its Life. Oxford University Press, New York

*from Martens, 1997

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Lake Tanganyika shoreline at Sibawesi (photograph: S. Marijnissen)
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The almost exclusively rock and boulder dwelling Lavigeria grandis (photograph: S. Marijnissen)
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Tropheus duboisi (photograph: S. Marijnissen).
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Boulengerochromis microlepsis (photograph: S. Marijnissen).
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Platythelphusa armata (photograph: S. Marijnissen).
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Limnocnarida tanganyicensis (photograph: S. Marijnissen).